Monday, April 20, 2009

Mic on Monday: Protect the Booty!

Friend says, “ What’s Mic on Monday?” I gasp. I clutch the pearls. I am befuddled. Have I not been clear in explaining the yummy goodness that is “Mic on Monday”? Immediately I send out the bat signal aka rush to my computer and begin to concoct a definition that will solidify my AUTHENTIC efforts. After much toil & trouble, I have crafted the explanation: Mic on Monday is something for the ladies. The womb is the beginning of all life. Honor it on the first day of the week. Like Queen said, “Ooooohhhh, ladies first…”

That’s right…we be droppin’ knowledge. Tell a friend.

April is Sexual Assault Awareness month. The National Sexual Violence Resource Center ( highlights sexual assault as a public health issue & advocates tailoring their campaign to better suit your community. The statistics of sexual assault as of 2007 are that 1 in 2.5 women will be raped before the age of 25 & 1 in 4 men will be raped before the age of 25. Other stats you may find are alarming, to include children.

Please take some time to visit Your safety is key in living your most AUTHENTIC life possible.

Oh…you thought I was finished? It ain’t neva ova!

Mic Check: do this - Don’t just share your sexual assault awareness info with your girls. Spread knowledge to your boys & see what they have to say about this 1 in 4 male statistic that will prove that it’s not about gay men raping straight men; but rather men & WOMEN seeking control and power over another human being. The Crisis Center that I work with meets guy after guy who ‘knows’ that women can’t rape & that men who get raped probably wanted it. Then we show them a case from 2005 where a man was raped by two men as his wife watched. She thought it would be ‘funny’. It was their honeymoon.

What a world we live in. I’d blame it on the alcohol, but Jamie already did that. Thus, get in the know. Don’t rely on a false sense of security. The life you save may be your own.

get in the know
get real


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