Monday, February 2, 2009

Mic on Mondays!: Peace & Love.

Happy Groundhog’s Day, AUTHENTIC!


1.    We will have six more weeks of winter thanks to Punxsutawney Phil seeing his shadow this morning. ::gives stank face::


Cold days and nights aside, Sunday, February 1st, 2009, marked the first ever “Peace & Love day.” Check out Kholi’s post below to ‘Get in the Know’. (Sidenote: I love that phrase. It’s so AUTHENTIC. )


With the Super Bowl blasting from every flat-screen HDTV in every bar, I thought it would be a great idea to spread some peace and love (like butta’) on Sunday. In the spirit of Peace & Love, the ladies and I decided to pass out pamphlets with rape and violence against women statistics. Now, I know you’re thinking that this is definitely putting a damper on the Steelers and Cardinals, seven-layer dip, and Jennifer Hudson’s performance (phenomenal!). How could we expect drunken, testosterone-driven, cigar smoking beer-bellied men and equally wasted and excited females to take a moment to focus on rape and violence during such a festive occasion?

I must share with you the reason behind this work we do.


Let’s gets serious for a moment…like for real.


*Names have been changed to protect anonymity.*


Nikki moved from Chicago to attend school in Texas. She transferred to my university, leaving home her last year of undergrad to show the parentals that she could be the independent woman she knew that she was and to finish her senior year on her own terms. I saw her, she saw me. Instant friend connection. [Isn’t that always the case with me and the womenfolk? LOVE IT.] Two weeks ago, Nikki, who usually kicks it with yours truly on the weekend, opted to attend a recent back-to-school shindig hosted by a campus organization. If you didn’t know, my birthday is in January and for the past ten years or so I have celebrated my birthmonth. Yes! I celebrate for thirty-one days. I’m worth it. Don’t judge my life! Thus, it was agreed that Nikki would attend at least one of many weekend soiree’s in honor of me and my flyyness (He’s so vain…and yes, this song is always about him.). Nikki helped me celebrate on Thursday and on Friday night she attend the school party. Friday night after the basketball game that I attended, my phone rang. It was Nikki.


“Mic, could you come get me? I need to go to the hospital.”


Her voice was scarily calm. When I arrived in front of the dorm to pick her up, she opened my car door, sat down, and said nothing. Neither did I. I looked at her for seconds that seemed like hours. I’d seen that look before. I’d felt that tension before.


Nikki was raped.


Nikki withdrew from school today and is moving back to Chi-town. She will finish her Bachelor’s in engineering and industrial architecture in Chicago this summer.  I will miss her.


Those who know me personally, know that my sistafriends truly are my heart. [Shout-out to KHOLI! LOVE YOU, MA!] I am a Sexual Assault/Abuse Advocate. I have worked and aided resource centers dedicated to ending and bringing to light the hurt and destruction known as sexual abuse. It is a cause very near and dear to me.


Nikki reads AUTHENTIC though she is not a member of the Ning Network site. Ladies of AUTHENTIC, please take a moment to send her some words of encouragement. As a sister. As a woman. I would personally appreciate it if you sent her some warmth and love and peace that I honestly believe only a woman can give to another woman.


I talk to her daily. I am the only person beyond her parents that she has told about this attack on her womanhood and freedom. She agreed that I should share this portion of her story…because it ain’t over! My girl is strong and she’s making progress every second of every day. She will push through this because beauty and strength are her birthmark. She is AUTHENTIC. I love you, babe.


I dedicate this post to Nikki. *Kisses, mami.*







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