Tuesday, June 16, 2009

MIC ON MONDAY...on Tuesday!

What do you want to do before you die?


A grim, poignant, & tangible question it is. But, really...what do you want to do before you kick the bucket, fly the coop, go to heaven, burn in hell [Insert Samuel L. Jackson's "A Time to Kill" voice HERE.], bite the bullet, dream the sweet dream, kiss the world goodnight, head six feet under, push up daisies, take the eternal slumber?


Our country's current economic recession has made some of us a bit more cautious with our money, pinching our pennies, if you will. For some, it's a call to spend freely, and supply the economy with the money it so desperately needs. For others, the recession has many of us focusing our energy & money on tangible, practical, short-term goals. Either way, with this focus comes an awareness of one's own morality.  Thus, our life priorities begin to manifest in the small day-to-day happenings: choosing to have movie night at home instead of a night on the town, at home manicures & pedicures instead of visiting the local spa, emailing (or, writing a letter!) instead of using all those daytime & anytime minutes, & carpooling. All of these require that our home unit or family/friend unit becomes priority. We recognize our need for one another during times of stress.


I brought this conversation up because with all the “Doomsday” propaganda negatively destroying our psyches, it’s good to remind ourselves how the recession is helping us (in the words of songtress India.Arie) “get back to the middle.” The next time someone bums a ride, cigarette, book, or dinner please realize that you are seeing firsthand the effect of our economy bringing people together. This is remarkable when you think about how often class and economic status works to separate us from one another.


SO…what does this have to do with your bucket list? Well, sometimes spending time with friends & family will yield perspective, perspective that will help you realize how important it is that you pursue your dreams & make them a reality. It’s high time that we all pound the pavement, travel roads less traveled, & make each day count towards achieving our best life & our best selves possible.


Go make somethin’ happen! And don’t stop being AUTHENTIC. While you are at it, extend some of that AUTHENTICITY to the AUTHENTICALLY challenged.



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