Good day, AUTHENTIC!
With Valentine's Day rapidly approaching and we (That's right! Your boy has a Valentine this year...sickening, right?) are putting the last minute touches on our special weekend to honor our relationship/booship/bootycall/ho' on the side, you might want to think about doing a little something extra to honor those who simply seek to survive in spite of the politics of love in our capitalist society. Ending world hunger and homelessness are two very overwhelming world issues that require our aid. Aid that is tangible. Servitude is one of the most selfless acts of love and encouragement we all can offer with little to no cost to us. So...because I really dig AUTHENTIC, I figured I would share a really dynamite idea with you.
withoutlove.org is a wonderful site and organization dedicated to encouraging the public to offer their love this Valentine's Day. They say, "Think Globally. Act Locally." One way in which to show your love locally and still effect change globally is to take a small brown bag of non-perishable items to your local food bank. You'd be surprised at how much love you will be sending someone's way. Hershey kisses that add to your love handles and roses that die within a week are momentary. A warm meal that a fellow human being might not have had without your love for their humanity is lasting tangible love. You may even want to prepare a Valentine's Day plate for an elderly widow or widower whose beloved has died. You could even call the parentals and say thank you for their love. Without their love, whether it was momentary, forever, or a lapse in judgement, you are it's product. And I don't know about you, but Mic loves his life, so I will definitely be saying thank you for the parentals going half on this baby.
AUTHENTIC please take a moment this Valentine's Day to honor not only romantic love, but familial love and love for humanity in some way that may best use your AUTHENTICITY.
Till next time...
get love. get life. get AUTHENTIC.
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