Tell us who you are ... using your favorite lyrics from your favorite album/poem. Feel free to explain if necessary.
“These streets hold my deepest days
This hood taught me golden ways
Made me, truly this is what made me
Break me, not a thing's gonna break me
Ohh, I'm that history I'm that block
I'm that lifestyle I'm that spot
I'm that kid by the number spot
That's my past that made me hot….”
This hood taught me golden ways
Made me, truly this is what made me
Break me, not a thing's gonna break me
Ohh, I'm that history I'm that block
I'm that lifestyle I'm that spot
I'm that kid by the number spot
That's my past that made me hot….”
Nas. ft Chrisette Michelle (Can’t Forget About You)
Not necessarily my fav song…but on my top list indeed.
Who have been your top five influences musically/poetically?
In order:
1. Prince Rogers Nelson aka Prince aka Mr. Purple Rain
This man is a musical genius. And did I mention he’s beautiful?? A beautiful musical genius. He’s always made the art….the art never made him. And his fans appreciate that…..The millions of fans who will sell out a concert if he had one 2day, over 2 decades since he first started in the game.
2. Shyster aka Ms. Betty’s Son
Philadelphia poet who has remained true 2 his mission….2 save the children and the streets.
3. Taalam Acey
No need 4 an intro. This poet is just vicious….lyrically blessed….and dedicated 2 his craft. He gives me hope and encouragement 2 keep doing what I do.
4. Lauryn “L Boogie” Hill
Maaaaan “talented” doesn’t describe this woman!! She’s simply illl….dope…gifted!! I can relate 2 the deep-voiced tomboyish young lady from The Score as well as the flourishing woman in The Miseducation. And Un-plugged was just beautiful!! Don’t sleep on it! Like the rest of the music world, I wish she would make her way back in2 the game…. We need you Ms. Hill.
5. The Notorious B.I.G.
Wow…I can only pick 5, huh? Ha…Well Biggie has 2 be on the top 5.…definitely. Who in the game has yet to do it better?? Ok, some may say Jay (who would’ve been my #6) but he’s yet 2 possess that raw feel that Big bought to the game….

Have the people that you worked with influenced you or your art in anyway.
If so, who and how?
There has been a select few that have influenced (and supported) me and I never hesitate 2 shout ‘em out. But in particular, I have 2 big up my main producer, E-The Poet Emcee from Baltimore, MD. He’s not only a man of talent, but a man about his business. He’s taught me that it’s ok 2 mix business with your art…..as long as you stay true 2 craft….and most importantly, yourself. Besides, if it’s what’s you’re good at, why not succeed off of it??
Besides other poets, what has helped you expand your art over your career span?
My words are healing somebody….I know it. I’ve been told. I can see it in their faces….when I’m at a show….or a workshop….I’m changing lives. We (The spoken word artists) are changing lives. God gave us this gift 4 a reason.
What's the perfect Ms.Wise poem song/poem for the club?
Haha….the club though?? Ummm….I guess “My Chucks” Definitely a head banger.
My Chucks - Ms. Wise
My Chucks - Ms. Wise
(UHHHH ... Ms. WISE ... DON'T BE LIKE THAT >>> JUST answer the question! Give the people what they want! lol)
The car?
“Reason” The production on this track is sick!! Shout out 2 Philly’s own Maxx Steele.
reason.mp3 - Ms. Wise
reason.mp3 - Ms. Wise
The bedroom?
The kitchen?
An early morning jog?
Well, the 3rd cd is scheduled to drop on March 26th. “The Death of Roxanne” This is also my birthday!! Yessss ((snaps fingers)) lol. I plan 2 have two events on this day, including a listening party and a show/slam. Other than that, I will be holding events on a monthly or bi-monthly basis 2 keep the arts flowing throughout Philadelphia, Jersey, and surrounding areas on behalf of myself and my new crew (The R.A.B. crew…ask about us*). The fall (September) will launch my high school tour that will take place in the areas of Camden, NJ, Philadelphia, PA, Baltimore MD and Washington DC. Of course, I’ll be involved with slam. My first big move with slam this year was my recent win in the Woman of the World qualifier here in Philly. As a result, I will compete in The Woman of the World International slam in Detroit, MI from March 18-21st. As much as I used to criticize this aspect of poetry (and sometimes still do), slam has helped me grow as an artist. 2009 is going to be MY year….just wait and see.
What's the Soundtrack for your life? Pick 7 songs/poems (NOT YOURS).
1. Taalam Acey- Love Yourself
2. Stacy Epps- Floatin
3. RES- I’ve Known the Garden
4. Prince- The Beautiful One’s
5. Janelle Monae- Sincerely, Jane
6. Shyster/ Chris Cream- Rising
7. Nas ft. Chrisette Michele- Can’t 4Get About You
Finally, tell our readers the best way to keep their hustle Real and AUTHENTIC in 09.
“Shelter in your humility like the home that you’re living in.
Let your artistry pay your soul bill in place of your Benjamins
Extra stuff:
-originally from Camden, NJ/residing in Philadelphia PA
-2008 Philadelphia Grand Slam Champ
-2008 and 2009 Philadelphia female slam champ
-placed 8th in the nation (Woman of the World Int. Slam 2008 Detroit, MI)
So ummm ... Just in CASE you're a stalker like US!
So ummm ... Just in CASE you're a stalker like US!
Did I miss anything?!? -_-
Did I miss anything?!? -_-
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