She's baaaaack! we know you ladies can't get enough of Yacira! Honestly ... (don't tell ... we can't either!)
Anyways ... Apparently Yah's been doing some shopping without us. -_- AS ALWAYS! but that's ok ... cuz she always comes back to give us some love.
YOUR TASK : Pay attention. And as ALWAYS ... Take notes, chicks!
Monday, January 12, 2009
You wanna challenge me?! What?!

Dapper Dan Michael is my FIRST and one and only thrift partner.
I know....shocking!!!
I have forever and ever thrifted solo. Why cus?
1. I can't take the distraction and I like to take my sweeeeeet ol' time in the store. Rolling through the aisles once, twice, three times a lady making sure I don't miss nothin.
2. I can't stand the competition....I gotta watch the other shoppers and now I gotta watch you too!??! na offense but it's just too stressful!
3. Refer to #2...every man for himself
Dan and I can HANG....we've sat on mountains of clothes and just talked, space travelin' and harassin' each other while the hours pass on by. That's real love right there....real love for clothes that is. It's not like that...chills.
Dan's eye is a little ridiculous when it comes to fit and he doesn't let me buy ANYTHING that I don't need even when I whine, "but ima alter it" or "but I don't have it in THIS color"...he be like "Yah, it's just gonna sit in the pile on the floor of your closet with the rest of the stuff you don't wear."
Yeah, he be putting me on BLAST like dat! ALL my bidness in the streets.
So I ran an idea by him...
Yeah, he be putting me on BLAST like dat! ALL my bidness in the streets.
So I ran an idea by him...
so you know what happens now right? if you wanna know the rest ... you gotta go to's blog!
orrrr ... if you wanna get straight to the shoppin ... cuz that's ALWAYS the good part! hit up
Wanna be AUTHENTIC's FRIEND TOO!!!!???!???
you know what to do! Hit up that left side of your screen!!!
and Ladies ... we wanna say we love you! You're OH SO REAL ... OH SO AUTHENTIC!
orrrr ... if you wanna get straight to the shoppin ... cuz that's ALWAYS the good part! hit up Says Be Our Friend!
Wanna be AUTHENTIC's FRIEND TOO!!!!???!???
you know what to do! Hit up that left side of your screen!!!
and Ladies ... we wanna say we love you! You're OH SO REAL ... OH SO AUTHENTIC!
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