Monday, April 27, 2009

AUTHENTIC....the take over!!

e a s e here...and yes, it's true...AUTHENTIC had Philly on lock Saturday night...well, we competed with a lot of parties and we actually had a packed house! So much, that STIR wants us back once a month....we'll let you know about the next one. But, as you can tell from our faces...we were quite happy.

Actually this pic is from Friday evening at The Social Club...we did a collab with these lovely ladies...
selina and joviiiii baby! Definitely a great night and then Saturday..they hosted with us along with this precious lady..

Tiffany J....hmmm, this is still a pic from Friday evening...let me look.....aha! Here is Saturday!

Don't we look EXTRA happy...that's because we were! and still are :D PlUS, DJ Jayla...our O-fficial AUTHENTIC DJ kept the party jumpin both nights...but definitely on Saturday..THANK YOU! :)And for those that were not present...or were and didn't make it to the back of the lounge..we had a bright pink wall that should have, or maybe does have...your signature for solidarity...the beginning of our movement to expose domestic violence in intimate partner relationships and lgbt communities and end it! necessary!! So, if you did not sign..stand for it anyway and hit us up if you'd like some resources where you are..confidential and very helpful. Abuse is NOT your fault!

So, this is the end..check out Facebook for more pics of the evening(s)...
a HUGE thank you for all you came out and supported and those that supported by donating to the cause!!! Our arms stretch out to you...BIG HUG ;)

until next time
e a s e

p.s. don't forget ... if you want more details of our awesome weekend ... you can always visit

MIC ON MONDAY: Thank you for being a friend...even if you're a bad one.

Good day, AUTHENTIC!

I'd first like to offer a "Thank you" to one Ms. Bea Arthur. She was an American comedienne, actress, and singer. In a career spanning seven decades, Arthur achieved success as the title character, Maude Findlay, on the 1970s sitcom Maude, and as Dorothy Zbornak on the 1980s sitcom The Golden Girls; she won Emmys for both roles.(Source) Sadly, she passed on Saturday, 25 April. Corny as it may sound, her passing made me reflect on The Golden Girls and the golden girls in my life. That being said, I openly admit that this post is on some TMI ‘ish. That being said, sit yo’self down and humor me. I got woman issues.

I received a call from a girlfriend around ten o’clock one night. She and I had shared space and time for almost a year, and it was evident that we were close. I was not oblivious to the fact that she was not in favor of what she considered to be my “lifestyle,” but during the season we shared together, I chose to cultivate our friendship despite my reservations about her deeming my existence & expression as a black gay man in America a “lifestyle” and less than hers. Nevertheless, during what started out as one of our daily phone chats, she pierced my eardrum & more importantly my heart as she said, “It pisses me off that you CHOOSE to live this way!” Silence followed. I did not contact for two months. I then sent her a letter that stated she had no place in my life, but that I did appreciate the good times we spent together. Time passed, and then we agreed to meet. Actually, it was more about me visiting home, and being from a small town, my visit would have been reported. And not wanting to be a bad Southern gentleman, I let her know that I’d be in town and that we could meet up. In the back of my mind I knew this would be a means to add closure to the demise of our friendship.

Fast forward to a week ago.

She leaves a very emotional message on my voicemail crying that she wants to know what she did wrong that would end our friendship. FYI: she’s been calling for almost a year after my visit home, however, I have not answered any of her calls. Did she forget her previous asinine behavior?

Now here’s my question: When is a friendship worth salvaging? When is it worth letting go? What are some issues/actions that may possibly cease a friendship? SIDENOTE: I’m in no way interested in salvaging this relationship.

Thank you all for being a friend.

P.S. be great today. be AUTHENTIC.

mikey loves ya'!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Word of Wisdom: Iyanla Vanzant

Morning ladiesssss! :)

So, I'm journaling this morning ... yes. it can be a verb. -_- ... and I go to my daily act of faith from Iyanla Vanzant's book of ALL books, Acts of Faith ... and I come across this ...

Background information
Birth name Ronda Eva Harris
Born September 13, 1953 (age 55)(1953-09-13)
Origin Brooklyn, New York, United States
Occupation(s) Inspirational Speaker
Spiritual Teacher
Website Inner Visions World Wide

"The bell rings loudest in your own home."

and thennnnn ... this ...

"The world I want begins with me."

OMG, Pretty girls (cuz you know you are right, you are all beautiful! and we love you for it!)!

This put my world into all SORTS of perspective this morning. My face was all o_0 ... my mind was like "true ... true ... double true." lol.

But really, we all know there are things we want changed ... this is why we do what we do right? But we have to start at home first ... if only but to quite that nerve-wracking bell ... the alarm that something is out of place ... the thing that disturbs us ... but it disturbs us so bc we believe it is outside when it is always within. Whatever it is, it is us.

Namaste, beauties.

Stay peacefully changing today. Remain gracefully AUTHENTIC.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Mic on Monday: Protect the Booty!

Friend says, “ What’s Mic on Monday?” I gasp. I clutch the pearls. I am befuddled. Have I not been clear in explaining the yummy goodness that is “Mic on Monday”? Immediately I send out the bat signal aka rush to my computer and begin to concoct a definition that will solidify my AUTHENTIC efforts. After much toil & trouble, I have crafted the explanation: Mic on Monday is something for the ladies. The womb is the beginning of all life. Honor it on the first day of the week. Like Queen said, “Ooooohhhh, ladies first…”

That’s right…we be droppin’ knowledge. Tell a friend.

April is Sexual Assault Awareness month. The National Sexual Violence Resource Center ( highlights sexual assault as a public health issue & advocates tailoring their campaign to better suit your community. The statistics of sexual assault as of 2007 are that 1 in 2.5 women will be raped before the age of 25 & 1 in 4 men will be raped before the age of 25. Other stats you may find are alarming, to include children.

Please take some time to visit Your safety is key in living your most AUTHENTIC life possible.

Oh…you thought I was finished? It ain’t neva ova!

Mic Check: do this - Don’t just share your sexual assault awareness info with your girls. Spread knowledge to your boys & see what they have to say about this 1 in 4 male statistic that will prove that it’s not about gay men raping straight men; but rather men & WOMEN seeking control and power over another human being. The Crisis Center that I work with meets guy after guy who ‘knows’ that women can’t rape & that men who get raped probably wanted it. Then we show them a case from 2005 where a man was raped by two men as his wife watched. She thought it would be ‘funny’. It was their honeymoon.

What a world we live in. I’d blame it on the alcohol, but Jamie already did that. Thus, get in the know. Don’t rely on a false sense of security. The life you save may be your own.

get in the know
get real


Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Word of Wisdom: Lauryn Hill

Hey hey heyyyy!

Yoooo! I miss givin' to you guys just LIKE you need it! Like for real for real ... you know ... Like Wednesday's W.o.W. ON Wednesday!

**slaps self** SHUT YOOOO MOUTH!

Anyways Ladiesssss .... I wanted to give you an AWESOME word ... AND the heads up on some pretty HOT EVENTTTTS!

uhhh ya! Cuz I'm good like that ... you know ... multi-tasking. lol.


Sooo... My favorite song by Lauryn Hill is

soooo ... I thought I'd share some lyrics today ... so you could sing AND stand up for something!

"I find it hard to say, that everything is alright
Don't look at me that way, like everything is alright
Cuz my own eyes can see, through all your false pretenses
But what you fail to see, is all the consequences
You think our lives are cheap, and easy to be wasted
As history repeats, so foul you can taste it
And while the people sleep, too comfortable to face it ..."

Ladies, there are soooo many conversations we could have about this song ... AND Ms. Hill for that matter. However, I speak no ill words about her ... in my head she STILL stands next to the goddess ... she's her spawn. true. real true. double true. (WHAT?!?)

Anyways ... If you find it hard to say ... that everything is all right. ...

Come on out and SPEAK YOUR MIND ...

@ The F.I.X.
Open Mic/ Live Music
The Social Club
20th and Samson

and shake your booty ::giggle::


1705 Chancellor Street
Philadelphia, PA


I mean NO REALLY! Cuz $5 is always > $10!

thinkkkk about itttt! ;-)

**ahem** you know how this goes! TELL ME YOU LOVE MEEEEE!

No? well guess who loves YOU?!? That'ssss right!

Stay Real. Stay AUTHENTIC.

-- khoLi.

Monday, April 13, 2009


It’s been a long time…
since we left you…
without a dope beat to step to…

Good day, AUTHENTIC!

I apologize for my recent shamtasticness, however, I’ve had an icky aka cold/flu/ -- utter nastiness. Please forgive me. Pretty, pretty please? I’m on bended knee. Actually, I’m chillin’ curled up on a body pillow in my boo’s room. Nice visual, eh?

Now, down to business. This past Sunday was Easter, & whether you dig religion or not, it’s a symbol of rebirth & reinvention. It’s a time to celebrate Jesus & how he rose from the dead to dye candy-filled eggs laid by bunny rabbits in order to save us from a horrid, sinful existence in a world of primary colors, thus yielding pastels & very happy gay men with a flare for the fantastic & a love for fashion & cute handkerchiefs. This Sunday school lesson has been brought to you by the letter A & the number 2. Be blessed, my chirren! (Disclaimer: If you found any of the aforementioned statement funny, you will go to the hell.)

The term “spring cleaning” not only applies to one’s attic or closet, but also to one’s life. Dead weight friends, unhealthy habits, negative thinking, counter-productive work ethic -- must all go…much like Macy’s post-Christmas holiday discount sale. SIDENOTE: I like cute clothes. (hint) I can fit a 3/4 in Lucky Brand jeans & my shoe size is an 11 or 12 depending on the make of the shoe. (double hint).

My spectacular physique aside, Mother Universe on this day has offered us a new start with the ushering in of spring. It is your responsibility to your health & wellness -- & ultimately, your humanity -- to take full advantage of this chance of rebirth. I prefer self-evaluation to start my rebirth process; however, that does not mean that my external evaluation is not to take place simultaneously. Ask yourself some key questions:

1. When was the last time I smiled? Why?
2. When was the last time I cried? Why?
3. What do I want for my life right now (my present goals)?
4. What do I want for my life tomorrow (my future goals)?
5. What has my past taught me?
6. What answers am I still searching for?
7. What is my purpose in its purest/simplest form?
8. What would I like to improve physically? Why?
9. What do I like about myself physically? Internally?
10.How do I recognize my worth from day to day?

No, you may not look like Beyonce, or Halle, or me when you complete your tasks. Nor will you immediately find your inner Oprah or Gandhi; but you’ll begin to notice your fledgling source of inner peace & self-worth & beauty that may have gone unacknowledged during the rigors of winter.

Check in with yourself & you’ll appreciate the pearls you’ll find that exist in the treasure chest you call you.

A friend/play cousin told me this morning that there’s no reason to hang your head. At this very moment, there are people hard at work trying to steal your joy. Don’t let them. It is your choice.

It is our choice to improve ourselves, appreciate ourselves, & to encourage ourselves to be our best & most AUTHENTIC selves.

Get up.
Get life.

mikey loves you, baby

P.S. This is so abrasive...but, you feel me, right?

Saturday, April 11, 2009

The khoLi-oLi Catch UP! ... The F*I*X // WOC // DE LECHE: Philly Black PRIDE

What can I really say people? Last night was AMAZING ... but not like ... ohhh ... it was just some dope poets! or some dope singers! or some dope dancers!

But because it was ALL of that and MORE in ONE PLACE! Like Really! Like I KID YOU

Okkkk ... I see you don't believe me. -_- .... Well then let me just give you a brief rundown of some of the folks who blessed the mic ... You READY?!? I doubt it. You might think you know ... but trust. YOU HAVE NO IDEA!

First of all ... BE EXCITED ... the first two women you would have seen last night were my JOVI BABY and Selina Carrera!

Ya! I knowwww ... I almost got a lil' hot too! It's OK. My friends areeee indeed sweltering!

AND THEN ... as if THAT weren't enough .... the list of those who graced the mic (oooh, you knowww, in NO particular order ....

who if you didn't know ... goes a lil somethin' like this

AND this

and clearly if you clicked on the link you know that she SINGS TOO! AND DID SHE last night!

okkk okkk i digress.

2. Jus Greg (who, yes, I KNOW ... you have seen in the Brave New Voices
episodes with the Philly Youth Slam Team ... and YES ... you can see them NEXT SATURDAY @ The Rotunda in Philly!)


6. Mara

9. ME MYSELF and IIIII ... uhhh ... don't play me ... you KNOW I oft times call myself a poet.

"which means i did lie, i do lie, and i am presently lying because the craziest thing i ever heard after spittin' one of my poems ... was somebody talkin' bout they wanted to be deep JUST LIKE ME."

10. BEST PART ABOUT IT IS THERE WERE SOOOOO MANY MORE ... I can't even remember the names! If I'm forgetting anyone ... PLEASE charge it to the 4am drive back to NJ and this 9:39 am blog. NOT ME.

okkk ... i'm gonna stop rambling now ... i think the $5 entry and $3 happy hour and random break dancers and several poets and singers both male and female im forgetting to name and MASS of pretty people speaks for itself. ya. you right. it does. ::giggle::

AND .... From Last Week ...

YO! I still have very few ACTUAL words to give about this conference ... right now it mostly sounds like

ah ah ahhhhh ... you know where to go if you want more words ... and more pics from The F*I*X!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Word of Wisdom

whattttt?!? we give em to you late ... why cant we give em to you early?!?

Ladies ... I'm pretty moved this week ... and completely short on words.

Why?!? Because I've experienced so much in so little time. I mean that as far as life in general. And really ... just this last weekend. I went to the WOC Conference ... look for a blog about that soon ... and on TOP of that ... AUTHENTIC has been making some really awesome moves... JUST FOR YOU! ... You already know about The F*IX* ... Wait until you hear what's up for the REST of April and May!

In the words of a fave of a ll faves .... Angela Bassett

“I'm just so blessed to be able to do what I just love and have loved since I was a teenager, since I first found it, and to be encouraged by others for it.”

Are YOU Ladies?
Let us know! Be Real. Be AUTHENTIC.

Get Your F.I.X!!!! philly!

e a s e here... ;)
CIAO lovely ladies and gents!
How are you?! Drop us a line and let us know!!
As for us, we're spreading our wings and working with some awesome AUTHENTIC ladies ;)

We're teaming up with Joviiiii Baby! and Selina Carrera (Colombia Recording Artist) to bring you F.I.X: Fresh Innovative Xperience!
Bringing LIVE music back to Philly!!!
If you live in Philly..then you KNOW this is necessary!
Every 2nd and 4th Friday you can find yourself engulfed in the best of poets, musicians and artists...@The Social Club, 2009 Sansom street
Check out the flier below:

April 10, 2009...THIS FRIDAY!!! will be the first installation of F.I.X featuring Selina Carrera and DJ Phsh. Come ready to dance/drink/socialize $5 cover until 11:30 and $3 drinks from 9-12am!!!
So once is the where you know people will see this!!!! and we AUTHENTIC ladies, will see you there ;)

e a s e/kholi!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Tonight in Philly: Staceyann Chin

AUTHENTIC is pretty excited about this event ... WHY?!?  Because there are some pretty awesome women behind and ALL UP IN IT!  The committee has been planning for while ... and they are bringing you A LOT of awesome treats.  I think should be an awesome time of awesome networking and ideas for both the LGBTQ (and all the other letters) community as well as its allies.

2009 LGBTQ Womyn of Color Conference in Philadelphia - April 3-4

Please join us for the 2009 LGBTQ Womyn of Color Conference in Philadelphia. This conference will bring over 100 LGBTQ Womyn of Color from the Philadelphia region and across the U.S to a 2-day event filled with thought-provoking discussion, art-making, healing, and networking among different generations!

The Details:

April 3, 2009 - OPENING NIGHT (5pm-8:30pm): Feature Performance by Staceyann Chin with *Exclusive Booksigning* of her new memoir, The Other Side of Paradise. Other Performances include 3XLadyCrew and Nzinga Arts Collective Feat. Vocalist Fatimah Loren. Location: Christ Church Theate (2nd Street Between Market and Arch) Phila,PA)

(meanwhile ... we know all of our ladies are only of the highest most brilliant caliber ... BUT ... in case you've been living under a rock .... and DON'T know who staceyann is ... just check below.)

April 4, 2009 - INTER-GENERATIONAL BRUNCH AND WORKSHOPS (10am-5pm): Workshop themes include Relationships, Sexual Practices, Spirituality, and Body/Health. Location: William Way Center (1315 Spruce St. Phila, PA)



*** SPECIAL OFFER: $40 for Adult Registration; $20 for Youth (16-18) ***

***Limited Scholarships Available, please contact***

If you have never been moved by anything ... come out ... I guarantee you you will sway tonight.  And tomorrow.  And everyday after you leave this event. remember ... nothing is not your issue.  Think on that.

p.s. "all oppression is connected, you d*ck!"

whaaaat? she said it.  not me.

Get Real. Get AUTHENTIC.  Get to Philly tonight.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Thankin' YOU on THURSDAY!: Liz Turner

Okkkk ... so I knowwww ... it's been a while since we've let you ladies know about OUR favorite ladies! .... but surpriiiiiiise surpriiiiise we're back! (like for real for real ... not like cuttin in and out between cities!)

I think it's time to GIVE THANKS and showcase one of our newest members of AUTHENTIC but one of my dearest, oldest friends (don't tell her i said that).

Lizzy Turner

ookkkk ... okkkk ... i'm actually featuring this awesome short she made ... but you know how WE do ... I'll give her a lil' plug too! lol

Want more of Lizzy?

Interested in knowing ALL about Lizzy?  I know you are! ... make sure you ladies visit ... FREQUENTLY ... and check out the blog as well.

and OF COURSE ... you can catch her HERE ....

Wherever, However you get your Liz Turner fix ... do it AUTHENTICALLY.  Get Real. Stay Real. 



"I'm learning to accept the lack of privacy as the real downer in my profession."

Born Maria Halle Berry
August 14, 1966 (age 42)
Cleveland, Ohio, United States
Years active 1989-present
Spouse(s) David Justice (1992–1997)
Eric Benét (2001–2005)
Domestic partner(s) Gabriel Aubry (2005–present)

The words above, from one of my MOST favorites ... Halle Berry of course! ... are so indicative of what I have been feeling the last three weeks ... forget that ... the last THREE MONTHS ... or years ... whatever's most honest! lol.  Between being completely violated in the airport .. to feeling like everyone knows your every move on myspace, facebook, ning, and twitter (p.s. follow us at, to feeling like day in and day out you are making yourself completely available to artists, managers, friends, family, students, colleagues, etc, I REALLY CRAVE THAT KHOLI QUALITY TIME.

But you know what?  I daily realize, that although I think ... "kholi ... do it anyways ... this is what you were chosen to do" ... it's really not about what I've chosen at all.  THIS IS WHAT I'VE BEEN CHOSEN TO DO. And this is why it matters.

I have honestly realized that sometimes, we complain about our greatest blessings.  

"I have too much work to do. ... I can't believe this flight is taking this long ... I can't believe this line is this long ... I wish I didn't have to go to this meeting."

Honestly, in this economy, when people are losing jobs, homes, cars, families, LIVES, when people have not even been given the opportunities that we have, let alone the opportunity to complain about them ... WE SHOULD TAKE THESE TOUGH DAYS ... and BE GRATEFUL ... not for struggle ... but for the fruit of the struggle, for the gift of what sometimes feels like a curse ... even for the lack of privacy ... because it means that somewhere ... in the masses of those that just want to be nosey ... there is someone that genuinely wants to know if you are ok ... if you are safe ... wants you to know that you are loved.

because it just feels right ... NAMASTE.

Get Real.  Get Right.